Bullet Priest - July 14th Alpha

Hey everyone, excited to upload this build. This is the July 14th build of Bullet Priest! Bullet Priest is a subversive bullet-hell roguelike. Convert your enemy's bullets to your side and use them against your opponents. The faster your bullets go, the more damage the enemy takes & vice-versa. You can move freely through enemies, but their bullets will hurt you.

In this build & update, I've introduced a pause menu, adjusted difficulty, & applied some bug fixes. There's also a new movement type for enemies!
The current key binds & stats are listed below.

Player Stats

  • Bounces: How many times your bullets will bounce. Enemy bullets do not bounce (currently).
  • Conversion Rate: Chance of your bullets to convert enemy bullets to your side on collision. Starts at 10% and increases per level.


More to be added. The plan is to have you start with one or two abilities that you select, and to have others drop during the game.

  • Left Click: Gravity Pull - Pulls in nearby bullets and converts them, before repelling them away at high speed. Makes you invincible while active.
  • Right Click: Wave Attack - Sends out a shockwave and stays around for a bit, converting any bullets touching it. Great for bumping enemy bullets. Makes you invincible while
  • Q: Bullet Time - Slows bullets.
  • W: Missionaryism - Sets your bullet conversion rate to 100%.
  • E: Conversion Therapy - Try to convert all enemy bullets on screen at your current conversion rate.
  • Space: Recall - Call back all of your bullets to your player, and reset the bounce count.

You can press tab to view your stats and escape to pause.


Bullet Priest - July 14 34 MB
Jul 15, 2021

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